Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pull those babies out!

For weeks and weeks, Faith would tell me that her bottom teeth were hurting. I would feel them, decide they weren't loose, and we'd move on. Until, about a week ago, she said "Mom, I have teeth behind my other teeth!" And, sure enough, her two bottom teeth had grown in BEHIND the baby teeth!
Dr. Griffin (who also works with Andrew on the High Council) took her today and they just pulled them out! Andrew called me later to say that Faith had handled it like a CHAMP! "She couldn't have been more brave!" So, tonight we'll put her two cute little teeth (with big, long roots) under her pillow for the Tooth Fairy. Her BIG reward for being brave was this doll who looks just like Faith!
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Audrey and the Boys said...

I am sure a look-a-like doll will completely erase any negative memories of the experience! By the way, we need to catch up!! How was your trip and what was the end result?

Call me Mimi said...

Where did you get that doll? Is it from MY TWIN? It is almost as beautiful as Faith, but that would be hard to find. I'm glad you got those out. Who would have even looked BEHIND teeth to see others coming in. Wow! Faith, you are a "woman" of courage. I love you Lil Sis, Mimi

The Stradling Family said...

that is amazing. what a brave girl.

Joanna said...

What a great reward for getting those teeth pulled! And good job being so brave, Faith! I can't wait to see you in person only 5 weeks away!!!

Tauna said...

Vanessa- two things.... first off i forgot we shared the same anniversaries- I now remember you two coming to our reception and you had mentioned it was your 1st anniversary. I had forgotten! Happy anniversary a while ago- you and your little family are always inspiring us to be better.
second.... we missed each other by a few days at Disney World. It looks like you guys had a blast! Seriously I think I could go there every year if we could!