At Campbell School, the kids don't wear their costumes on Halloween, they have CRAZY SOCKS day. Faith wore her crazy leggings and Grant wore my witch socks with his matching shirt. Aren't they funny?
Clark and John had a preschool party later in the morning, and they are showing you their characters. As hard as John tried to growl, he was just too cute, and decided to be a "nice lion". I found this Peter Pan costume at the Disney Store and bought it for the sole reason of using the boots for Grant's Obi Wan Kenobi costume, but Clark loved it so much, he wore it all day, and the next day, and the next...
Can anyone explain WHY they make cupcakes with food coloring this color? And why do we give it to our children? I don't get it.
In the evening, our ward had our Trunk or Treat party. Daddy was a Lion Hunter (but John decided to be a Power Ranger), Faith was a darling witch, but didn't wear her hat or carry her broom, Clark was Peter Pan, Grant was Obi Wan Kenobi and I was a witch, of sorts. We had a great time and came home with WAY too much candy! Has anyone else heard of the Tooth Fairy trading prizes for candy? I think it's a brilliant idea!