Wednesday, September 17, 2008

National Archives & Bureau of Printing/Engraving

We were lucky enough to have Emily & Spencer here for a whole week, so we tried to fit in everything! Andrew and I had never visited the National Archives, and so we picked up the kids from school on early day and headed downtown to meet up with Em & Spencer. Because it was after Labor Day, there were NO crowds - LUCKY US!
We walked right up into the Rotunda to see the Bill of Rights, Magna Carta (which is 700 years old-am I right?) and the Declaration of Independence. This was the best picture I coud get without a flash - all the others would make you nauseated.
We also visited the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, where they make all the paper money. If I remember correctly, they print about 600 million dollars in money every day! 95% of it is to replace old money, and 5% is NEW money. You weren't allowed to take any pictures, but the kids were fascinated by all the machines and the process that happens to keep our money safe!

After our Museum stops, we went to the Sculpture Gardens and put our feet in this ENORMOUS fountain! People bring their lunches here and just relax, and that sounded great to us!
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