Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Our visit to George & Martha

We had a GREAT, week-long visit from Andrew's sister Emily, husband Spencer and baby Grace (corner of her stroller is next to John). The kids loved and kissed and carried Grace all over the place and most of the time, she thought they were pretty hilarious! This was our visit to Mount Vernon, George Washington's estate. We have been there many times, but love it every time we go. I have no doubt that George WAshington was preserved through all the battles in order to lead our country to where we are today! An amazing man.
This is John in the kids room, dressed up in the time period clothing. He is just so photogenic, and loves to have his picture taken. Lately, though, he wants to TAKE the picture, which is a bit more of a challenge
Faith talks about this "kids room" all the time because she loves the babies! She immediately ran in, and began dressing the babies, and didn't want to leave. She is wearing a cute dress from the time period. They told us that in that day, they would begin putting corsets on girls at age 2! WHY? I don't think I could do that to my daughter, let alone myself!
This is Martha Washington! Isn't she adorable? Ok...maybe it's not the REAL Martha, but she certainly convinced me! She was adorable, and would sit and stitch as she told us stories about George and her children. If you asked about anything in the future, she would just look puzzled and say she had never heard of that. Probably my favorite part of the day!
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