Monday, October 1, 2007

National Book Festival

On Saturday, we went from Faith's soccer game to the National Book Festival downtown. It was very fun! The kids got to walk through the REAL "Magic School Bus", meet Maya & Miguel, Caillou, Clifford, and Curious George.
Grant read in the Cozy Corner, and we were given a few free books and some cool bags from Target.
It was fun to think that we were part of the annual tradition encouraging ALL to read. Needless to say, we spent the whole time in the Children's Tent, but I'm sure there were amazing authors and storytellers in the other tents as well.

Here's a funny order to get to the Book Festival, we parked at Andrew's work building. Faith noticed the giant picture of President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Secretary Mike Leavitt on the wall as we exited. Later in the day, we went to a work BBQ and when Secretary Leavitt arrived, Faith said "Dad! Dad! Look behind you!" It was the Secretary and she remembered his picture from earlier in the day. He was such a celebrity to her! The Secretary got a giggle out of that!

Here's a little plug for Jackie Leavitt's website: It's an internet safety site and she is just so passionate about it. Check it out!

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